Designed as a radical solution to the limitations of current T'au fusion weapons technology, the Fusion Eradicator combines a battery of multiple synchronised firing chambers. The weapon creates a blast of energy so potent that solid matter caught in its path is torn apart at a molecular level by brute thermal force, and no physical material yet known to the T'au can survive its destructive power.
The cost in materials and expertise to create a single Fusion Eradicator is immense, and the natural endurance of each weapon is limited often to a single battle. Each Fusion Eradicator is then discarded and must be replaced.
The Fusion Eradicator is an arm-mounted weapon for the KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour. This multi-part resin kit includes the mounting arm and shoulder plate and can be built for either the left or right side of the Supremacy Armour.